
24-27 May, We attended Construct Iraq 2024 Construction Exhibition (Erbil / Iraq).

Prime Minister of the KRGI Mr. Masrur Barzani, visited our stand at the Construct Iraq 2024 Fair in Erbil. Mr. Barzani received information about our products and the water tanks used in his own projects that we are suppliers of. On behalf of Ekomaxi, we would like to thank him for his visit and interest in our products.

#ConstructIraq #Iraq #Erbil #Baghdad #Irak #watertank #water #petrol #Factory #Basra #Duhok #Kerkük #Musul #Süleymaniye #Zaho #Hvac #waterstorage #grpwatertank #watertank #storagetank #paneltank #frptank #smctank #ekomaxi #waterstoragetank